How to Setup Groundnut Oil Manufacturing Plant?

Groundnut seeds are a significant value seeds that may is usually publicized with the little bit making yet are particularly flexible and can be employed in a number of of items. Hence, Groundnut Oil Processing Plant can be probably the endeavours that can generate profits and always bring about the economical betterment of your oil mill plant.

Establish groundnut oil mill project includes feasibility analysis study preliminary research, purchase and installing of equipment in the ideal accommodation, crew recruiting of workers and more.

How to Setup Groundnut Oil Manufacturing Plant?



groundnut oil manufacturing plantFirstly, the groundnut will need a complete sanitizing operation to take away crushed stone, track, vegetable dirt and any kind of impure substances. Then to get the sanitizing, the peanut seed be required to be organized for oil processing, which will requires over all size lowering of the groundnut kernel by separating them and then simply adjusting by simply altering their wetness content and temp, when staying the peanuts sizzling for some time of certain a few minutes.

Secondary, the pre-processed groundnut are carried to Oil Press Machine, which will is the most used approach of groundnut oil manufacturing. The oil making machine screw warm constrained the peanut seed since it steps to move forward in which the distance is diminishing. As a result of stable frication and substantial tension, groundnut oil is obtained. Apart, since the temp in groundnut oil making machine pressing chamber goes up, groundnut oil extraction rate also boosts. At length, the the groundnut oil is exhausted from the oil drip pan of the screw oil press.

Additionally, the crude groundnut oil received via screw oil press is clarified and pure using various oil filter equipment. After filtering process, the groundnut oil quality is now available. But, some of groundnut oil mill plant will process the filter groundnut oil through professional edible oil refinery process to get higher quality final cooking oil.

What Tips Do You Have When Buying A Small Seed Oil Expeller?

ABC Machinery – BEST Seed Oil Expeller Manufactuer

small oil expeller machine

ABC Machinery is an experienced manufacture and supplier of screw oil expeller. We can offer black seed oil machine for home users to make oil from black seed easily, soya oil making machine for start mini oil milling business,  and groundnut oil processing machine. We cal also offer palm oil production business plan.

What tips do you have when buying a small oil expeller for making oil from vegetabls seeds?With the improvement of lit, small seed oil expeller has become a member of more and more bouseholds or families, espacially in countryside. Small oil press lets people truly get rid of gutter oil and inferior oil. Extract oil at home by using your own screw oil expeller is not only cost-effective, but also healty and convenient.

small seed oil expeller

Buy your own a small seed oil expeller – spend little money to be able to satisfy your healthy. Then how can we choose the small oil expeller among so money oil pressing equipment for sale online and offline? Here is some tips for you to pick the best oil making machine.

The Standard of Choose a Small Oil Expeller

  • Oil Production Yield of the Oil Expeller

Almost everybody knowns that one of the stand of the oil expeller quality is the oil yield. A good home use oil expeller can extract more oil from the vegetable seed and make the best use of the oilseed materials. The oil yield of some great small oil expeller can reach up to 95%, which means about 95% of the oil inclued in the raw oilseeds can be extracted.

  • The stability of the Small Oil Expeller

This should be a more concerned issue when purchusing a small scale oil expeller for home use. Nobody wants anything to go wrong with the oil expeller machine after a few days using.

  • Cold Pressing or Hot Pressing

Cold pressing means extract oil without heating before oil expelling process. It is more natural and avoid the adverse effects caused by traditional high temperature cooking oil processing, not only retained the oil flavor and natural color, also complete preserved the physiological active substances in oil. Hot pressing means the oilseeds are cooked or heating before oil extraction. Edible vegetable oil in our daily life is mostly extracted by hog pressing technology. Hot pressing type oil expeller is featured oil simple operation and low production cost. Nowadays, most oil mill adopt hot pressing process to improve the oil yield efficiency. But the cude oil should be refined before eating (how to start a small scale oil refinery?). Our mini oil mill plant is becoming one of the hot equipment for processing edible oil in rural areas.

  • Noise and Energy Consumption

Noise is also a concern. The big noise produced when the small oil expeller is running is very annoying. So be sure to try it on the spot to ensure the noise is affordable and also pay attention to the energy consumption problems.

Edible Oilseed Pre-Treatment and Conditioning

Efficient design of equipment has direct influence on the quality and yields of oil and meals, as well as ensuring efficient functioning and maintenance of oil extraction equipment. Our government recognised in house R&D Centre has developed optimal treatment systems tailored to the individual characteristics of the oilseed to be processed.

These developments have been put to use in actual production conditions under the philosophy of “maximum profitability and quality at minimum cost”, making them one of the best available in the international market.

Our pretreatment equipment comprises efficient seed cleaning units, hullers, hull separators, cracking roller mills, crushers, flaking roller mills, automatic cookers, screw presses, expanders and oil clarification equipment.
pretreatment for oil processing The first stage in the raw material handling line is the removal of all dust, lints, sticks, stems, leaves, sand, stones and other impurities. Tramp iron pieces are removed by magnetic separators. When foreign particles like stones having the same size as the seeds need to be removed, special destoning machines are incorporated in the cleaning line.

Hulls are removed from the seeds to increase the protein content of the meal, to reduce its fibre content and to increase the effective capacity of the extraction equipment. Special decorticating and hull separating equipment is selected according to the type and nature of raw material to be decorticated. Low oil residue in the separated hulls is assured.

The organic impurities include the stem leaf, cord, chemical fibers, velveteen and their seeds. The inorganic impurities, however, sometimes mean soil, dinas and metal.The vegetable oil processing industry involves the extraction and processing of oils and fats from vegetable sources. The preparation of raw materials includes husking, cleaning, crushing, and conditioning.

Oil Frame Filter Press

The oil frame filter press is mainly used for filtering the crude oil pressed out by screw type oil press. The serial oil filter presses of frame typed oil filtering machine are ideal equipments for edible oil plant and individual oil processing house.

Frame Filter Press Oil frame filter press always be used as a oil purifier in the oil plants for edible oil or biodiesel. This model filter is suitable for filter crude oil and refined oil, and it is also can be used to filter bleaching oil in the refining workshop.

Crude (freshly extracted) oil contains moisture, and fiber, resins, colors etc. from the plant material, which make it darker and more opaque. These materials are removed by clarification – either by letting the oil stands undisturbed for a few days and then separating the upper layer, or by using an oil frame filter press. The oil is filtered through a cloth and heated briefly to 100°C to boil off any remaining traces of moisture. This is usually sufficient to meet the quality needs of customers and give a shelf life of several months when correctly packaged. However, the oil requires additional Edible Refining Stages of de-gumming, neutralising and de-colouring to have a similar quality to commercially refined oils, and these stages are difficult to complete at a small scale.

Our oil frame filter press is characterized by convinient operation, stable technical effect, high capacity and low impurity.

What is Oilseed Processing?

Oilseed processing is the process of removing oil from oilseed.

Oilseed processing begins with the harvesting of oilseed on the farm where its grown, and continues through oilseed extraction where the oil in the oilseed is extracted, clarification, packaging, storage and shipping of the final oilseed oil.  Oilseed processing depends on several variables including the type of oilseed as well as the location, could be fully automated, or may require people to hand pick the oilseeds or nuts.
oilseed processing

Small-scale oilseed processing is of interest as a potential on-farm or community enterprise that can increase income and employment in rural areas. Many seeds, nuts and kernels contain oil, a vegetable oil, which can be used after it’s removed, in the following uses:

  • cooking
  • as an ingredient in other foods
  • as a nutritional supplement
  • as a raw material for the manufacture of soap, body and hair oils, detergents and paints

Some of these oils may also be used to replace certain petroleum-based lubricants and fuels. Small-scale oil extraction is more common in India, because there have more oilseeds to do oilseed processing. If you have interested in oil processing for cooking oil, you can Email to us, we can help you!

Oil Refining Process Overview

Oil refining is the procedure of processing pure vegetable oils into edible bakery fats and oils, and the procedure contains three basic processes at the very least.

The first process is neutralization, which involves neutralizing the oil to remove free fatty acids by adding caustic soda. The oil and caustic soda mixture is heated up and stirred to induce a chemical reaction between the two that causes soap stock to form edible oil refinery plant. The mixture is then left for the soap stock to settle at the bottom of the neutraliser from where it is taken out into a soap pan.

The second process is bleaching, where the neutralized oil is drawn from the neutraliser to a bleacher. The bleaching process is done under a vacuum and it removes the colour from the oil with chemicals like carbon black and bleaching earth. The oil is once again heated up to a higher temperature by thermic fluid coils and stirred to speed up the chemical reaction.
oil refining process
The last process is called deodorizing, which is the process of removing the smell from the oil under high vacuum. The bleached oil and chemicals are separated from each other in a Filter Press and clean, colourless oil is drawn into the Deodorizer. The clean oil is then heated through thermic fluid coils while live steam is injected into the oil through steam nozzles at the bottom of the deodorizer. The temperature of the oil is raised even higher and the odour of the oil is removed.

Palm oil refining includes an additional process named fractionation. This involves scientifically cooling the refined palm oil by chilling plant to separate palm olene and palm sterene. A crystallizing vessel with chilling pipe coils is used to cool the oil, which cause palm sterene crystals to form. Pure palm olene liquid is then filtered from the filter press and the palm sterene cake is retained click here to know more information.

Once these basic processes are complete, the oil goes to a cooler where water circulating coils reduce the heat until the oil is completely cooled. Again it goes to a second filter press where the completely refined, colourless and odourless oil is obtained and ready for packaging.

How To Invest In Oil Palm Production ?

Oil palm is native to West Africa. Nigeria used to be the world’s largest producer of oil palm before the crude oil boom era. Malaysia has now taken the leading position.  Oil palm plantation and allied industries is now the main stay of Malaysian economy. Malaysia came to Nigeria in the 70s to obtain oil palm seeds and seedlings. Oil palm can be used in various ways; the leaves are used in making brooms and as roofing materials (in the rural areas). The bark of the fond can be peeled and woven into baskets.

oil palm production

The main trunk can be split like sawn timbers and used as part of building materials. Palm wine can be obtained from oil palm, red palm oil is readily obtainable from the fresh fruit bunches. When the fruit is processed the residue obtained can be used as fuel (for cooking and fertilizer to improve soil nutrient).  Red palm oil is used in cooking, making soap, candle and margarine. Palm kernel oil can be extracted from the nut.
The residue obtainable in the process of palm kernel oil extraction otherwise called palm kernel cake is used as livestock feed. Palm kernel oil is used in vegetable oil and soap making.  Palm Kernel shells are also useful as energy source and industrial raw materials such as mosquito coils.

The uses to which oil palm can be made seem non exhaustive. This clearly indicates that investment made in the establishment of oil palm plantation is nothing but a wise one. The market is guaranteed for all the products of oil palm plantation in this era of global food crisis.

Technical information
oil palmTo establish oil palm plantation, it involves getting a good site where rich, well drained acidic soils are abundant. The soil should have adequate quantities of potassium, magnesium and nitrogen. Soil tests should therefore be carried out to determine the nutrient status of the land.It is usually better to use the early maturing variety called tenera, which bears fruits as from the fourth year.

Other requirements include seedlings procurement; this can be obtained from reputable nurseries. Prospective investors must engage the services of Agricultural experts in the course of establishing this project. Other cultural practices are planting, regular weeding, pruning and fertilizer application. Serious minded investors will be guided accordingly in the implementation of this project.

Income analysis
A matured plantation will start to give investor five 5 tons per hectare of red palm oil annually from the fourth year per hectare. 100 metric tons of oil can be obtained annually from 20 hectare plantation. A ton of red palm oil is a minimum of N150,000. Gross revenue of N15 million is obtained from red palm oil.

We can also get three metric tons of palm kernel per hectare. This gives us 60 tons from 20 hectares. This translates to annual income of N4.2 million. Total income realisable is about N19.2 million while the annual operating expense is put at N5.8 million.

This leaves us with net income N13.4 million annually for the investor for the rest of his/her live. There are still other sources of income such as palm fronds and palm kernel shells. Serious minded investors can be assisted in the realisation of this worth while investment.

What You Should Do Before the Oil Making at Home

Food making machines are developed at a high level now, small oil press for home use is one of them, as food safety issues and accidents happened from time to time, some people start to produce the food by themselves, including the edible oil, wheat flour, maize flour, nut powder, etc.

While now the processes of oil production in large oil mill plant are very complicated, there are more than a dozens of process to produce the edible oil with the modern quality standard. A lot of people might think that it is impossible to produce edible oil with the same level of quality in the oil mill plants, in fact it is not exactly true, oil making at home are usually at small quantities, that means the oilseeds quality and process is much more easier to control than in the oil mill plant, with the proper maintained small oil press and a clean oil production environment, you surely can have the fresh and safe edible oil produced at home, the following are some tips for you, it might not be perfect, you can have your own ideas later.

First, the oilseeds has to be processed to fit in the oil press, the hull and skin has to be removed, then the seed kernel shall be dried in certain degree for the proper water content; normally the frying part can be skipped for it is not easy to control at home, if you really want to do that, then you shall do it slowly and carefully. Generally speaking, no impurities in the oilseeds is the first and most important aspect to consider.

When you are processing different oilseeds, the method might be different, you can search for the oilseeds characteristics first for your new ideas on the oilseed preparation.

How To Produce Neem Oil for Plants

neem oilNeem oil has a weighty advantage to farmers, other people in other fields too can require it but in comparatively minor situations. It is a valuable insecticide and pesticide, fungal diseases on crops and chewing insects find themselves outside the garden boundaries when a farmer applies it. It as well protects people and animals from biting bugs. In some nations, especially in the western world, the most popular use of neem oil is the spraying on crops and animals for protection against pests, insects and fungal diseases.

Just like castor oil production requires investing in the best oil mill, so does the production of neem oil too. Therefore, you will need to choose the best brand name, one that is highly reputed in the market. While  the press plants could be going into business, the in thing today is the oil mill which is widely used for the commercial production of neem and castor oils, to name but just a few of them. If you are going into the small-scale production of oil, then you will need to invest in a full press mill where the seeds are double pressed for maximum production of oil

oil milling platIn the large-scale production of neem oil, the first step is the mechanical pressing for the extraction of initial oil. Later, the pre-pressed neem cake is sent to the solvent extraction chamber for further oil extraction. The choice of the oil mill depends on the budget and the business objective. Choosing the appropriate brand name is important so that you can also find the spare parts easily.

Helpful information on Coconut Oil Production

Coconut oil is extracted from the pressing the coconut fruit using many techniques. Coconut oil has many health benefits to the body. It is used as a moisturizer for the skin and the hair and it produces good results of the appearance. Coconut is also used as cooking oil since it has a heat tolerating component. There are many ways of extracting coconut oil and the major classification is dry and wet coconut oil production.

coconut oil plantThe dry coconut oil processing entails removing the fleshy part from the fruit and letting it to dry. The drying options can either be using direct sunlight, heat from the fire or in the furnaces. The dried coconut material is known as copra. (See more of Copra Oil Extraction). The copra is then pressed in the composition of other solvents to come up with coconut oil with high fiber and protein content. It is hard to split the protein from the oil and the unclean drying procedures make it unfit for consumption by humans. For further refinery to make the coconut oil usable by humans it is put through high temperatures and sieving processes. This processes uses sodium hydroxide to get rid of fatty acids in the coconut oil. Other chemicals like bleach agents are added in the filtration process. The outcome gives a different taste and aroma from the original coconut. (Read more Coconut Oil Refining Machine >>)
The success of the small scale coconut oil processing venture actually depends on the type of equipment that one uses. Luckily, there are many such in the market. There are some renowned brand names from China, which make easy work. Ok, at the start, this will require an initial investment of a hefty sum of money but once the production is under way, the result will be well worth it. When you invest in a good oil mill from a renowned company, they will send engineers to do the initial installation. You can also be assured of getting the spare parts easily whenever the need for them arises.

If you're interested in our products or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us! We are always at your service!

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